Catalog #1:

Direct to You From Intellivision Catalog from 1985

This is one of the Triton mail order INTV catalogs that you got if you had ordered something from them. Here you could buy old Mattel releases, check out screen shots of new INTV Corp. titles and order those, and also select from INTV System III consoles and other accessories and replacement parts. Check out this stuff!

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  • The Triton catalog's cover and back cover.

  • The Triton mail order description stuffs and the ad for the INTV System III which was the post-crash Intellivison Console. It featured a power led, which wasn't incorporated into the earlier consoles.

  • Games from the Action and Adventure Line. Stuff like Mystic Castle, Motocross, Mission X, and the Atarisoft releases Centipede, Pac Man, and Defender. Note that you don't get to see any screen shots for the Atari games.

  • The Action and Sports series with titles such as Golf, Auto Racing, Soccer, Boxing, Skiing.

  • The Action and Strategy games, with Chess, AD&D Cloudy Mountain, Royal Dealer, Utopia.

  • The Intellivision Classics featuring those that Mattel first released like Space Battle, Space Armada, Frog Bog, Snafu, Night Stalker, Vectron, Loco Motion. Notice that they're trying to clear out that old stock!

  • Ahhh, the accessories. Featured the Intellivoice module and the four Intellivoice games, Solar Sailer, Bomb Squad, B-17 Bomber, and Space Spartans. You can also buy game cases, console covers, and Intellivision II replacement controllers.

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